International Business by John Cullen; John B. Cullen; K. Praveen Parboteeah; Praveen ParboteeahCall Number: HD62.4 C967 2010 f
ISBN: 9780415800570
Publication Date: 2009-07-10
This book covers the same material and more when compared with other international business texts, yet it is priced for the student¿s pocketbook. A new international business text for a new and ever changing global environment. With a unique chapter covering International E-Commerce, Cullen is written in a unique way. Issues link the chapters. The logic is that to choose and implement strategies in international business, you need to understand the global, institutional, and cultural environment. In turn, you need to align functional strategies to support the more general multinational strategies. From the student¿s point of view, the approach is designed to answer the questions of "why do I really need to know all of this stuff?" Unfortunately, the companion website for this book is no longer available. If you would like access to the materials, please contact