Management Information Systems by S. Shajahan; R. PriyadharshiniCall Number: ebooks
ISBN: 9788122429183
Publication Date: 2004
About the Book: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS-TEXT AND CASES presents an overview of updated, multifaceted, and latest global information systems. This book covers the contemporary business information systems; knowledge management and e-commerce organisation practices and is comprehensive in its presentation of knowledge and practical advice for both students and managers. This book opens with the appropriate background on current practices of MIS and then flows from micro and macro concepts like computer power, buying computer, small PC, Various printers, agile system development and Team management. Divided into 11 chapters this book provides an overview of Management Information System concepts, elucidating live examples of global projects undertaken by authors. It also provides detailed description of Knowledge Management, Internet Technology, Systems Analysis & Design and Database Management. Chapter 11 provides application of Technology in business and daily life highlighting various applications like SMS, Internet telephony, Space communication, NETSCAPE version 7.0 browser, I-pad, and market news from Microsoft, IBM and INTEL in Indian business business environment. This book provides an opportunity to acquire the knowledge and aptitude to become good IT Managers by providing the list of selected readings, 15 case study, 11 management perspective, focusing 50 company/theme and review questions at the end of every chapters. The book substantially contributes to the main stream of MIS and attends all the vital facets of emerging concepts with clarity and perspicacity. This book covers syllabi requirements of MBA, MCA, BBA, BCA, MIT, MIB and other Postgraduate, Degree, and Diploma level Engineering and Management course of Indian Universities. The book will provide invaluable to the students of management, research scholars, Corporate executives and CEOs.Contents: Overview of Management Information Systems and Practices in the New Millennium The OrganisationSystems Concept System Analysis and DesignFunctional Management Information Systems Fundamentals of Computer Systems Data Base Systems Computer Power Knowledge Management Digital Age Organisation Emerging Technologies in the Millennium