Mathematics as a production factor or driving force for innovation? Those, who want to know and understand why mathematics is deeply involved in the design of products, the layout of production processes and supply chains will find this book an indispensable and rich source.Describing the interplay between mathematical and engineering sciences the book focuses on questions like How can mathematics improve to the improvement of technological processes and products?What is happening already?Where are the deficits?What can we expect for the future?19 articles written by mixed teams of authors of engineering, industry and mathematics offer a fascinating insight of the interaction between mathematics and engineering.
Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing embraces many applications of modern mathematics, such as Boolean Algebra and Sets and Functions, and also teaches both discrete and continuous systems - particularly vital for Digital Signal Processing (DSP). In addition, as most modern engineers are required to study software, material suitable for Software Engineering - set theory, predicate and prepositional calculus, language and graph theory - is fully integrated into the book. Excessive technical detail and language are avoided, recognizing that the real requirement for practicing engineers is the need to understand the applications of mathematics in everyday engineering contexts. Emphasis is given to an appreciation of the fundamental concepts behind the mathematics, for problem solving and undertaking critical analysis of results, whether using a calculator or a computer. The text is backed up by numerous exercises and worked examples throughout, firmly rooted in engineering practice, ensuring that all mathematical theory introduced is directly relevant to real-world engineering. The book includes introductions to advanced topics such as Fourier analysis, vector calculus and random processes, also making this a suitable introductory text for second year undergraduates of electrical, electronic and computer engineering, undertaking engineering mathematics courses.
Includes material on time dependent solutions of linear partial differential equations, a chapter on eigenvalue problems, and MATLAB solutions to various applications. This book provides physical examples related to heat conduction, inviscid fluid flow, geometrical properties, stress analysis, and multidimensional optimizations.
This resource covers all areas of interest for the practicing engineer as well as for the student at various levels and educational institutions. It features the work of authors from all over the world who have contributed their expertise and support the globally working engineer in finding a solution for today‘s mechanical engineering problems. Each subject is discussed in detail and supported by numerous figures and tables.
Topics in advanced mathematics for engineers, probability and statistics typically span three subject areas, are addressed in three separate textbooks and taught in three different courses in as many as three semesters. Due to this arrangement, students taking these courses have had to shelf some important and fundamental engineering courses until much later than is necessary. This practice has generally ignored some striking relations that exist between the seemingly separate areas of statistical concepts, such as moments and estimation of Poisson distribution parameters. On one hand, these concepts commonly appear in stochastic processes -- for instance, in measures on effectiveness in queuing models. On the other hand, they can also be viewed as applied probability in engineering disciplines -- mechanical, chemical, and electrical, as well as in engineering technology. There is obviously, an urgent need for a textbook that recognises the corresponding relationships between the various areas and a matching cohesive course that will see through to their fundamental engineering courses as early as possible. This book is designed to achieve just that. Its seven chapters, while retaining their individual integrity, flow from selected topics in advanced mathematics such as complex analysis and wavelets to probability, statistics and stochastic processes.