This classic text provides a rigorous introduction to basic probability theory and statistical inference, with a unique balance of theory and methodology. Interesting, relevant applications use real data from actual studies, showing how the concepts and methods can be used to solve problems in the field. This revision focuses on improved clarity and deeper understanding.
This hugely anticipated revision has held true to its core strengths, while bringing the book fully up to date with modern engineering statistics. Written by two leading statisticians, Statistics for Engineers and Physical Scientists, Third Edition, provides the necessary bridge between basic statistical theory and interesting applications. Students solve the same problems that engineers and scientists face, and have the opportunity to analyze real data sets. Larger-scale projects are a unique feature of this book, which let students analyze and interpret real data, while also encouraging them to conduct their own studies and compare approaches and results. This book assumes a calculus background. It is appropriate for undergraduate and graduate engineering or physical science courses or for students taking an introductory course applied statistics.
Illustrates basic statistical concepts with extensive application in engineering and scientific contexts. The text includes optional theortical exercises allowing instructors who choose to emphasize theory to do so without requiring additional materials. The fifth edition contains SAS, MINITAB, EXCEL, and SPSS computer printouts and journal articales and news reports.
The Eleventh Edition of this highly-regarded introductory text emphasizes inference and sound decision-making through its extensive coverage of data collection and analysis. McClave develops statistical thinking and teaches students to properly assess the credibility of inferences-from the vantage point of both the consumer and the producer. This edition incorporates more exercises and more visual features, such as redesigned end-of-chapter summaries and an increased use of applets. This text assumes a mathematical background of basic algebra.
Now with even more examples with real data, real-world applications, and computer exercise, the Fourth Edition of this accessible text prepares you for situations you're likely to encounter as a professionakl engineer. Together with new co-authors David Goldsman and Connie Borror, William Hines and Douglas Montgomery have refined their highly effective pedagogical framework to make their text even more user friendly. This Fourth Edition also features a new chapter on statistical methods for computer situation, as well exceptionally clear statistical coverage, expanded discussions of quiality control, experimental design, and different types of interval estimation, and coverage of such special topics as nonparametric statistics, p-values in hypothetical testing, and residual analysis. Highlights of the Fourth Edition: * New examples and applications provide a real-world perspective on how engineers use probability and statistics in professional practice. * Over 600 exercises, including many new computation problems, provide opportunities for hands-on learning. * An entirely new chapter on statistical methods for computer simulation methods covers Monte Carlo experimentation, random number and variate generation, and simulation output data analysis. * New chapter organization starts with probability theory and progresses through random variables, discrete and continuous distributions, and normal distribution, before introducing statistics and data description techniques. * Each chapter starts with an introduction that describes the importance of the topic and features interesting historical information related to the topic. * End-of-chapter summaries reinforce the main topics and goals of the chapter.