Elements of Electromagnetics by Matthew N.O. SadikuCall Number: QC760 S125 2010
ISBN: 9780195387759
Publication Date: 2010-01-04
A good understanding of electromagnetics is vital to anyone working with electrical currents. Electromagnetics, electrostatics, and magnetostatics are the foundation for microwaves, biomedical imaging, and circuit design. Understanding this foundation well is the basis for a successful careerin electromagnetics-related fields. Sadiku's Elements of Electromagnetics, fifth edition, is designed for the introductory course in electromagnetics for electrical and computer engineering undergraduates. Taking a vector-first approach, Sadiku explains electrostatics, magnetostatics, fields andwaves, as well as applications like transmission lines, waveguides, and antennas. It provides a balanced presentation of time-varying fields and static fields, preparing students for employment in today's industrial and manufacturing sectors.