The difficulty in securing students industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) placements has negatively affected the final grades of some undergraduates. A recommender system is hereby proposed to solve this problem. This system will use past SIWES data to recommend potential organizations to future SIWES students. Research data collection was through an online questionnaire, with 200 respondents. The data was divided into a training data set (70%) and test data set (30%). Collaborative filtering recommendation approach was employed using the C4.5 algorithm to classify the data and generate a decision tree model from the training data set. The model generated was used to predict the class label of the test data set.
Studies (for example, Dellaportas in Making a difference with a discrete course on accounting ethics. J Bus Ethics 65(4):391-404, 2006; Saat in An investigation of the effects of a moral education program on the ethical development of Malaysian future accountants, 2010) on final year accounting students show that industrial training has a positive impact on the ethical development in a way that students improved in their ethical judgement after attending a 6-month training. Thus, this research aims to evaluate the influence of industrial training in the development of ethical awareness among final year students from a Malaysian public university.
The large range of jobs that Malaysian undergraduates of foreign languages are often employed in after completion of their studies (education, tourism, banking, business, management, etc.) is not necessarily related to their major field of study. This situation often makes it difficult for lecturers to develop a comprehensive professional training for their benefit. In the early 2010s, unemployment rates of Malaysian undergraduates were increasing, although the job market was quite flexible. In order to improve students’ employability, Malaysian universities decided to restructure their curricula. Industrial training, or Latihan Industri (LI), became a new mandatory requirement for all future undergraduates of the new programmes from 2011.