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Mendeley: Citation Management Tools: Home

What is Mendeley?

Mendeley is both a desktop and a web-based citation management program that does many of the things that other programs do including:

  • Allowing you to collect the citation details of articles, books, or websites you want to use in your research
  • Inserting in-text citations and building bibliographies
  • Organize your PDFs 
  • Annotation tools for commenting and highlighting PDFs
  • Creating a collaborative space to work with others
  • Discover articles through Mendeley's news and matching feeds

Mendeley Desktop vs. Mendeley Web

Although Mendeley Desktop and Mendeley Web look similar, there are some feature differences that dictate how you will use each one.

Mendeley Desktop is best for storing, editing, and viewing PDFs on your computer and automatically creating citation data from the PDFs.

Mendeley Web gives you access to your saved research on the go and collect citations while browsing online databases. Mendeley Web also lets you access its crowd-source research catalog, the Papers collection.