Electronic devices and circuits by S. Salivahanan, N. Suresh KumarCall Number: TK7867 S167 2012
ISBN: 1259006417
Publication Date: 2012
About the Book: Electronic Devices and Circuits "Electronic devices and circuits surround our daily existence in an indispensible fashion. Thereby, the authors, in this book have attempted to reveal the complexities of the world of electronics in an extremely simplified manner, using pedagogical features to illustrate and exemplify the concepts thoroughly. This revised edition of Electronic Devices and Circuits is a treat for the young readers, and will generate and maintain an interest in the subject which will stimulate a sound learning. Features: Exceptional coverage of Oscillators, Frequency Analysis and Power Amplifiers" New updates on topics such as: filters and regulators, mesfet, misfet, ldr, photodiodes, etc. Pedagogy includes: Solved examples-337 Review Questions-1037 Illustrations-850" Contents 1. The Processors: 8086/8088- Architectures, Pin Diagrams and Timing Diagrams 2. 8086/8088 Instruction Set and Assembler Directives 3. The Art of Assembly Language Programming with 8086/8088 4. Special Architectural Features and Related Programming 5. Basic Peripherals and their Interfacing with 8086/88 6. Special Purpose Programmable Peripheral Devices and Their Interfacing 7. DMA , & High Storage Capacity Memory Devices 8. Multimicroprocessor Systems 9. 80286-80287-A Microprocessor with Memory Management and Protection 10. 80386-80387 and 80486-The 32-Bit Processors 11. Recent Advances in Microprocessor Architectures-A Journey from Pentium Onwards 12. Pentium 4-Processor of the New Millennium 13. RISC Architecture-An Overview 14. Microprocessor-Based Aluminium Smelter Control 15. Design of a Microprocessor Based Pattern Scanner System 16. Design of an Electronic Weighing Bridge 17. An Introduction to Architecture and Programming 8051 and 80196 18. 8051 Peripherals Interfacing.