This second edition of A Beginner's Guide to Finite Mathematics takes a distinctly applied approach to finite mathematics at the freshman and sophomore level. Topics are presented sequentially: the book opens with a brief review of sets and numbers, followed by an introduction to data sets, histograms, means and medians. Counting techniques and the Binomial Theorem are covered, which provides the foundation for elementary probability theory; this, in turn, leads to basic statistics. This new edition includes chapters on game theory and financial mathematics. Requiring little mathematical background beyond high school algebra, the text will be especially useful for business and liberal arts majors.
The title of this volume 'Advanced Mathematical Methods for Finance, ' AMaMeF for short, originates from the European network of the European Science Foundation with the same name that started its activity in 2005. The goals of its program have been the development and the use of advanced mathematical tools for finance, from theory to practice. This book was born in the same spirit of the program. It presents innovations in the mathematical methods in various research areas representing the broad spectrum of AMaMeF itself. It covers the mathematical foundations of financial analysis, numerical methods, and the modeling of risk. The topics selected include measures of risk, credit contagion, insider trading, information in finance, stochastic control and its applications to portfolio choices and liquidation, models of liquidity, pricing, and hedging. The models presented are based on the use of Brownian motion, Lévy processes and jump diffusions. Moreover, fractional Brownian motion and ambit processes are also introduced at various levels. The chosen blending of topics gives a large view of the up-to-date frontiers of the mathematics for finance. This volume represents the joint work of European experts in the various fields and linked to the program AMaMeF.