For briefer traditional courses in elementary differential equations that science, engineering, and mathematics students take following calculus. The Sixth Edition of this widely adopted book remains the same classic differential equations text it's always been, but has been polished and sharpened to serve both instructors and students even more effectively.Edwards and Penney teach students to first solve those differential equations that have the most frequent and interesting applications. Precise and clear-cut statements of fundamental existence and uniqueness theorems allow understanding of their role in this subject. A strong numerical approach emphasizes that the effective and reliable use of numerical methods often requires preliminary analysis using standard elementary techniques.
Includes concise instructions for using Maple on any standard computer platform: Windows, Macintosh, or UNIX, including Linux can easily be used in conjunction with most Ordinary Differential Equations textbooks.
This revision of Boyce & DiPrima's text maintains its classic strengths: a contemporary approach with flexible chapter construction, clear exposition, and outstanding problems. Like previous editions, this revision is written from the viewpoint of the applied mathematician, focusing both on the theory and the practical applications of Differential Equations as they apply to engineering and the sciences. A perennial best seller designed for engineers and scientists who need to use Elementary Differential Equations in their work and studies. The CD-ROM includes: The award-winning ODE Architect software. The software's 14 modules enable you to build and solve your own ODEs, and to use simulations and multimedia to develop detailed mathematical models and concepts in a truly interactive environment. The ODE Architect Companion. The Companion extends the ideas featured in each multimedia module. The web-based learning tools include: Review & Study Guidelines. The Chapter Review Guidelines will help you prepare for quizzes and exams. Online Review Quizzes. The quizzes enable you to test your knowledge of key concepts and provide diagnostic feedback that references appropriate sections in the text. PowerPoint Slides. You can print these slides out for in-class note taking. Getting Started with ODE Architect. This guide will help you get up-and-running with ODE Architect's simulations and multimedia.
This book is intended as an alternative to the standard differential equations text, which typically includes a large collection of methods and applications, packaged with state-of-the-art color graphics, student solution manuals, the latest fonts, marginal notes, and web-based supplements. These texts adds up to several hundred pages of text and can be very expensive for students to buy. Many students do not have the time or desire to read voluminous texts and explore internet supplements. Here, however, the author writes concisely, to the point, and in plain language. Many examples and exercises are included. In addition, this text also encourages students to use a computer algebra system to solve problems numerically, and as such, templates of MATLAB programs that solve differential equations are given in an appendix, as well as basic Maple and Mathematica commands.
Fundamentals of Differential Equations, Sixth Edition is designed for a one-semester sophomore or junior-level course. Fundamentals of Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, Third Edition, contains enough material for a two-semester course that covers and builds on boundary-value problems. These tried-and-true texts help students understand the methods and concepts they will need to successfully complete engineering courses. The new texts retain the features that have made previous editions successful, while integrating recent advances in teaching and learning. The Fundamentals of Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems version consists of the main text plus three additional chapters (Eigenvalue Problems and Sturm-Liouville Equations; Stability of Autonomous Systems; and Existence and Uniqueness Theory). - Chapters 4 (Linear Second Order Equations) and 5 (Introduction to Systems and Phase Plane Analysis) have been substantially rewritten and tightened. - New Group Projects have been added. - The exercises have been tightened and updated.
Designed for one- or two-term introductory courses in differential equations for engineering, mathematics, biology, and finance majors, this text aims to strike a balance between the traditional and the modern. It combines the traditional material with a modern systems emphasis, offering flexibility of use.
Designed for a rigorous first course in ordinary differential equations, Ordinary Differential Equations: Introduction and Qualitative Theory, Third Edition includes basic material such as the existence and properties of solutions, linear equations, autonomous equations, and stability as well as more advanced topics in periodic solutions of nonlinear equations. Requiring only a background in advanced calculus and linear algebra, the text is appropriate for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics, engineering, physics, chemistry, or biology. This third edition of a highly acclaimed textbook provides a detailed account of the Bendixson theory of solutions of two-dimensional nonlinear autonomous equations, which is a classical subject that has become more prominent in recent biological applications. By using the Poincaré method, it gives a unified treatment of the periodic solutions of perturbed equations. This includes the existence and stability of periodic solutions of perturbed nonautonomous and autonomous equations (bifurcation theory). The text shows how topological degree can be applied to extend the results. It also explains that using the averaging method to seek such periodic solutions is a special case of the use of the Poincaré method.